jueves, septiembre 28, 2006

d2r: configuring apache 2 + tomcat 5 + mysql + jdbc access on linux and windows

d2r: configuring apache 2 + tomcat 5 + mysql + jdbc access on linux and windows

martes, septiembre 26, 2006

viernes, septiembre 22, 2006

Creating a thumbnail

Creating a thumbnail

Thumbnail.java - Load an image, scale it to thumbnail size and save it as JPEG

Thumbnail.java - Load an image, scale it to thumbnail size and save it as JPEG: "The third and fourth program argument contain the maximum size of the thumbnail to be created.
The actual size of the thumbnail will be computed from that maximum size and the actual size of the image (all sizes
are given as pixels).
The code that does this is not really very readable, and also not essential to loading and saving image files.
But it is necessary to create a thumbnail that is scaled correctly."

JIMI Software Development Kit

JIMI Software Development Kit: "JIMI Software Development Kit"

ResizR - Easy online image resize

ResizR - Easy online image resize

Como configurar JAVA JDK | Fedora-es

Como configurar JAVA JDK | Fedora-es: "Como configurar JAVA JDK"

miércoles, septiembre 13, 2006


Laboratorio de Cad


El éxito en la vida de un hombre
está en prepararse para aprovechar
la ocasión cuando se le presente.

miércoles, septiembre 06, 2006

Jack Slocum?s Blog

Jack Slocum?s Blog

Encytemedia: The Flurry Continues: More Prototype Updates

Encytemedia: The Flurry Continues: More Prototype Updates

Ajaxian.com article:

Prototype: DOM, Events, and documentation?

Category: PrototypeView the technorati tag: Prototype

Justin Palmer is shedding more light on Prototype updates.

This time around he covers events and DOM traversal:


In days past bind was great at accepting additional arguments, however, bindAsEventListener didn?t get this love until now. We can pass those additional arguments to bindAsEventListener with ease:
var Clicker = Class.create();
Clicker.prototype = {
initialize: function(link) {
Event.observe(link, 'click', this.onClick.bindAsEventListener(this, 'red'));

onClick: function(event, color) {
Event.element(event).setStyle({color: color});

new Clicker('cool');

DOM made simple

We all hate the DOM, so how about some simpler methods to traverse it?
$('menu').down(2) // grab second arg
$('menu').down('li', 0)

And it looks like documentation is in the works:

On the documentation front: We have something in the works. We have the API about 80% documented and will have this up for public consumption as soon as we can. This will start off as very basic API docs, but we plan on putting a lot of effort in this as time goes by. On that note, you can send your thanks to Andrew Dupont considering he has worked very hard on the docs.

Prototype Carousel

Prototype Carousel

Enterprise Java Community: Building on Struts for Java 5 Users

Enterprise Java Community: Building on Struts for Java 5 Users