miércoles, diciembre 21, 2005

Java Forums - Client Cert Authent.: tomcat 4.1,server cert & client cert & CRL (example)

Java Forums - Client Cert Authent.: tomcat 4.1,server cert & client cert & CRL (example)

ApacheTomcat.com FlashGuides

ApacheTomcat.com FlashGuides

jueves, noviembre 17, 2005

A Venture Forth ? Blog Archive ? Top 10 Ajax Applications

A Venture Forth ? Blog Archive ? Top 10 Ajax Applications

The Form Assembly - A Collection of CSS Stylesheets For Web Forms

The Form Assembly - A Collection of CSS Stylesheets For Web Forms

Guide to Using AJAX and XMLHttpRequest from WebPasties

Guide to Using AJAX and XMLHttpRequest from WebPasties

script.aculo.us - web 2.0 javascript

script.aculo.us - web 2.0 javascript

moo.fx - the next small thing

moo.fx - the next small thing

famfamfam.com: Silk Icons

famfamfam.com: Silk Icons

The CSS and XHTML Lab | 456 Berea Street

The CSS and XHTML Lab | 456 Berea Street

Transparent rounded/custom corners and borders | Lab | 456 Berea Street

Transparent rounded/custom corners and borders | Lab | 456 Berea Street

Flickr: The Transparent Screens Pool

Flickr: The Transparent Screens Pool

Web Developer's Handbook: developing web-sites, exploring own imagination | CSS, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.

Web Developer's Handbook: developing web-sites, exploring own imagination | CSS, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.

The Form Assembly - Create and Process State-of-the-Art Web Forms

The Form Assembly - Create and Process State-of-the-Art Web Forms

CORE Business Technologies

CORE Business Technologies

How to Develop Web Applications with Ajax: Pt. 2 - WebReference.com -

How to Develop Web Applications with Ajax: Pt. 2 - WebReference.com -

Demo | 1976design.com

Demo | 1976design.com

Containing Floats (Complex Spiral Consulting)

Containing Floats (Complex Spiral Consulting)

CSS Tabs example

CSS Tabs example

jueves, noviembre 03, 2005

miércoles, noviembre 02, 2005

Java Web Parts at SourceForge

Java Web Parts at SourceForge

Mentawai Web Framework - Mentawai Overview

Mentawai Web Framework - Mentawai Overview: "

In the file hello.jsp, we use the custom tag to display the output of the action. The works pretty much like a JSP EL (Expression Language) looking for the value in the page, output (request), session and application scopes. You can also use the dot operator (.) to access properties like in user.name.firstName.

Mentawai provides many useful tags for displaying action output. It also provides a base custom tag implementation from where you can easily create your own mentawai tags.

Mentawai keeps the view layer (JSPs) clean from Java code through some very easy and simple custom tags. However you can use JSTL, EL, Velocity and your own taglibs if you prefer to."

Simple Web Framework: SWF 1.0.0

swf: SWF 1.0.0

martes, septiembre 27, 2005

viernes, septiembre 23, 2005

jueves, septiembre 22, 2005

miércoles, septiembre 21, 2005

Adobe Acrobat Viewer (JavaBean Interface)- Download

(JavaBean Interface)


import com.adobe.acrobat.*;
import com.adobe.acrobat.gui.*;

public class PDFTest
public static void main(String s[]) throws Exception

PDFPrinter vi = new PDFPrinter();

Usage sample
Adobe Acrobat Viewer - Download

100% pure Java APIs for browser based and standalone Java J2EE and Swing applications. Existing PDF - (i)printing (ii) viewing, and (iii) converting t

100% pure Java APIs for browser based and standalone Java J2EE and Swing applications. Existing PDF - (i)printing (ii) viewing, and (iii) converting to PostScript, TIFF, JPEG, PNG and more is made easy. Use SmartJPrint for (i) printing an existing PDF document from local file system, web location and manipulated bytes from your program. Use its viewer for viewing a PDF document located anywhere in the web and in local file system. Convert a PDF document to a PostScript file for directly printing to a PostScript enabled network printer. A browser based PDF viewing and printing solution. Report generate - from any Java programs easily for (i) printing, (ii) previewing, and (ii) conversion of the reports to PDF, PostScript, TIFF, JPEG, PNG and more. It automatically formats the output by breaking the words, lines, sentences, and pages using its sophisticated algorithm. Print and view existing TIFF - anywhere in the world as web as well as standalone Java applications and applets. Convert report pages and PDF documents to TIFF and TIFF to PDF, PNG, JPEG and PostScript. Silent print - PDF, reports, TIFFs and all other supported data through browser page as web applets or from standalone Java applications running from command line or GUI. No third-party software - is required when you use this software in your browser based and standalone Java J2EE and Swing applications.

The Message Handler: A Web Service's Secret Weapon

The Message Handler: A Web Service's Secret Weapon

jueves, septiembre 15, 2005

Avalonstar ? Bryan Veloso's Bomb Shelter

Avalonstar ? Bryan Veloso's Bomb Shelter



links | Lisa McMillan dot com : It's all about standards.

links | Lisa McMillan dot com : It's all about standards.

Rasmus' 30 second AJAX Tutorial - A wanderer's journal

Rasmus' 30 second AJAX Tutorial - A wanderer's journal

LukeW: Visual Design Resources & Recommendations

LukeW: Visual Design Resources & Recommendations

State of the art web design

State of the art web design

Pure CSS Scrollable Table with Fixed Header

Pure CSS Scrollable Table with Fixed Header

Data Tables and Cascading Style Sheets Gallery

Data Tables and Cascading Style Sheets Gallery

Accesible DOM DropDown Menu

Accesible DOM DropDown Menu

Style-Force Semplice? Pixelfonts

Style-Force Semplice? Pixelfonts

Generador de cajas con borde redondeado en CSS

Generador de cajas con borde redondeado en CSS

Content with Style: A CSS Framework

Content with Style: A CSS Framework

More Nifty Corners | Web Design | PRO.HTML.IT

More Nifty Corners | Web Design | PRO.HTML.IT

The Form Library - Free Web Form Templates

The Form Library - Free Web Form Templates

Subtraction Form 0.1

Subtraction Form 0.1: "me "

The Man in Blue > Experiments > widgEditor

The Man in Blue > Experiments > widgEditor

Learn ? solarDreamStudios

Learn ? solarDreamStudios

A List Apart: Articles: Zebra Tables

A List Apart: Articles: Zebra Tables

Six Apart ProNet Articles - yDSF - Robust CSS Drop Shadows

Six Apart ProNet Articles - yDSF - Robust CSS Drop Shadows

Web Developer's Handbook: developing web-sites, exploring own imagination | CSS, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.

Web Developer's Handbook: developing web-sites, exploring own imagination | CSS, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.

martes, septiembre 13, 2005

deviantART: - I AM BACK I - by ~JosephYang

deviantART: - I AM BACK I - by ~JosephYang

deviantART: Steam Tiled by *OAKside24

deviantART: Steam Tiled by *OAKside24

deviantART: screeny9.8.05 by ~BlkDragon96

deviantART: screeny9.8.05 by ~BlkDragon96

deviantART: Ruler Balls Win by ~neo014

deviantART: Ruler Balls Win by ~neo014

deviantART: Colour Badges by ~deelo

deviantART: Colour Badges by ~deelo

Make Your Site Too Cool for Internet Explorer

Make Your Site Too Cool for Internet Explorer



deviantART: White Symbols Icons by *ikobz1

deviantART: White Symbols Icons by *ikobz1

joost.endoria.net: Home

joost.endoria.net: Home

Thren's dAmn Emote List v1.0 beta

Se sale ....
Thren's dAmn Emote List v1.0 beta

deviantART: Button Tutorial by *wachowicz

deviantART: Button Tutorial by *wachowicz

viernes, septiembre 02, 2005

deviantART: Xtra Orange by ~gfxman

deviantART: Xtra Orange by ~gfxman

jGuru: I'm in the process of converting a webapp to using struts, am trying to use "best" practices to make sure that I keep presentation split from b

jGuru: I'm in the process of converting a webapp to using struts, am trying to use "best" practices to make sure that I keep presentation split from business, and I was wondering what all of you experts do to handle the data transition from model business logic beans to the presentation. As I see it, I can make what amounts to a bean for every single page that is going to be presenting data to the user. The bean contains the data and the JSP then displays the values in the bean. That seems like a real pain to have XXX beans. It's just a pain to have to make hundreds of bean classes. I suspect that I'm missing something here, but this is what i'm seeing. Most of the struts documentation that i can find doesn't really address the simple case of wanting to print data to the user. Lots of discussion of making forms in struts, but I'm just wanting to send data back to the presentation... The struts-example seems to basically use a single user bean that contains all the data and doesn't ever really do much business prep of return data; Artimus uses scaffolding to wrap everything in; struts-polls seems to use Collection and jsp knowledge of class names to get the data out.. So, I guess my question is... is there a consensus of any sort on how this should be done or, how do you do it, etc? Thanks, Kirby V.

Step by Step Make RSS Feeds

Step by Step Make RSS Feeds

deviantART: Corporation by *pixelbudah

deviantART: Corporation by *pixelbudah

deviantART: OJBratland.tk by =arwenita

deviantART: OJBratland.tk by =arwenita

deviantART: Urban Lynx by *LessOrdinary

deviantART: Urban Lynx by *LessOrdinary

Fire and Knowledge ? Rounded Corners Without Images, Part 1

Fire and Knowledge ? Rounded Corners Without Images, Part 1



:: CSS Drop Shadow Tests :: By Phil Baines ::

:: CSS Drop Shadow Tests :: By Phil Baines ::

:: CSS Drop Shadow Tests :: By Phil Baines ::

:: CSS Drop Shadow Tests :: By Phil Baines ::: "

Test 1

This has one wrap div and the border is applied to a paragraph.

.dropshadow1{ float:left; clear:left; background: url(images/shadowAlpha.png) no-repeat bottom right !important; background: url(images/shadow.gif) no-repeat bottom right; margin: 10px 0 10px 10px !important; margin: 10px 0 10px 5px; width: 500px; } .dropshadow1 p{ position:relative; bottom:6px; right: 6px; border: 1px solid #999999; padding:4px; font-size:14px; margin: 0px; }"

lunes, agosto 22, 2005

3D logo

tutorial para hacer un dise?o con apariencia 3d en photoshop

martes, agosto 16, 2005

window-1280x1024.jpg (imagen JPEG, 1280x1024 píxeles)

window-1280x1024.jpg (imagen JPEG, 1280x1024 píxeles)

The Layout Reservoir - BlueRobot

The Layout Reservoir - BlueRobot

Little Boxes

Little Boxes


Richard Livsey @ Livsey.org

Richard Livsey @ Livsey.org

Download fonts | dafont.com

Download fonts | dafont.com

Ald | afrael live & direct ? Blog Archive ? Viva el RSS, Dame RSS

Ald | afrael live & direct ? Blog Archive ? Viva el RSS, Dame RSS

Sitemap: informa a Google de cuáles son tus páginas

Sitemap: informa a Google de cuáles son tus páginas

Nicolás Fantino (ala_747) - 100px Dise?o Web - 100artículos ? Ni fijo, ni líquido. Elástico

Nicolás Fantino (ala_747) - 100px Dise?o Web - 100artículos ? Ni fijo, ni líquido. Elástico

Avalonstar - Bryan Veloso's Bomb Shelter

Avalonstar - Bryan Veloso's Bomb Shelter

DHTML Scripts from Dynamic Web Coding

DHTML Scripts from Dynamic Web Coding

Dise?orama :Tutoriales:Creando esquinas redondeadas usando CSS

Dise?orama :Tutoriales:Creando esquinas redondeadas usando CSS

Pixel y Dixel

Pixel y Dixel

Theme Switcher tutorial: [liorean@web-graphics.com]

Theme Switcher tutorial: [liorean@web-graphics.com]

Photoshop - Vector Style

Web 9 Design * Creative Media based in East Anglia, UK

sábado, junio 25, 2005

The Unofficial Fedora FAQ

The Unofficial Fedora FAQ: "rpm --import http://atrpms.net/RPM-GPG-KEY.atrpms"

jueves, junio 23, 2005

martes, junio 07, 2005

Tutorials - Pixel2life.com Tutorial Search Engine

Tutorials - Pixel2life.com Tutorial Search Engine

SNECX.com - tutor

SNECX.com - tutor

postal stamp


CSS and round corners: Boxes with curves

CSS and round corners: Boxes with curves

PHP Coding Tutorials - Pixel2life.com

PHP Coding Tutorials - Pixel2life.com

Web MVC - Browsers, Transactions and Exceptions

Web MVC - Browsers, Transactions and Exceptions

JavaServer Faces (JSF) vs Struts @ WebSphere Journal

JavaServer Faces (JSF) vs Struts @ WebSphere Journal: "JavaServer Faces (JSF) vs Struts"

Ingenieria de Software / Software Engineering

Ingenieria de Software / Software Engineering

Planet Planet!

Planet is a flexible feed aggregator. It downloads news feeds published by web sites and aggregates their content together into a single combined feed, latest news first.

It uses Mark Pilgrim's Universal Feed Parser to read from RDF, RSS and Atom feeds; and Tomas Styblo's templating engine to output static files in any format you can dream up.

Planet Planet!

reproducir formatos wma con xmms

ander: "reproducir formatos wma con xmms
en debian por defecto este magnífico reproductor no trae soporte para el formato *.wma (el que por desgracia existe).

si quieres instalar el plugin de xmms solo tienes que seguir estos pasos:

# aptitude install xmms-dev
$ wget http://mcmcc.bat.ru/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.4.tar.bz2
$ tar jxvf xmms-wma-1.0.4.tar.bz2
$ cd xmms-wma-1.0.4
$ make && make install-home

después solo tendrás que activar el plugin en las opciones del programa."

jueves, junio 02, 2005

RTCW Linux

What port to open for RTCW? : LinuxQuestions.org time based Linux archive: "27960"

ONJava.com: Dynamically Creating PDFs in a Web Application

ONJava.com: Dynamically Creating PDFs in a Web Application

org.ujac.web.servlet (UJAC API)

UJAC provides a collection of JAVA components which may be useful in some projects. Each component is designed for easy use, easy integration into existing projects, extensibility and last but not least efficiency.

org.ujac.web.servlet (UJAC API)

JasperReports - Home

JasperReports - Home

jueves, mayo 19, 2005

miércoles, mayo 18, 2005




JXTA? technology is a set of open protocols that allow any connected device on the network ranging from cell phones and wireless PDAs to PCs and servers to communicate and collaborate in a P2P manner.


viernes, mayo 13, 2005

BrainJar.com: Table Sort

BrainJar.com: Table Sort


Scroll Div Content with Graphical Scrollbars Using DHTML

Scroll Div Content with Graphical Scrollbars Using DHTML

WebFX - What you never thought possible!

WebFX - What you never thought possible!

Style-Force Semplice? Pixelfonts

Style-Force Semplice? Pixelfonts

Domains | Blog | 1976design.com

Domains | Blog | 1976design.com

eSpeakers News :: Speaker Edition

eSpeakers News :: Speaker Edition

[brothercake] Docking boxes (dbx)

[brothercake] Docking boxes (dbx)

WebDesignHelper.co.uk - Icon Graphics (121 to 150)

WebDesignHelper.co.uk - Icon Graphics (121 to 150)

ColorCombos.com - Combo Tester - Web Color Combinations Testing Tool

ColorCombos.com - Combo Tester - Web Color Combinations Testing Tool

Skinning Gmail with a Custom Stylesheet [persistent.info]

Skinning Gmail with a Custom Stylesheet [persistent.info]

Karting Club Los Santos

Karting Club Los Santos

TUX | The First and Only Magazine for the New Linux User

TUX | The First and Only Magazine for the New Linux User

Pablo Commander

Pablo Commander

CSS layout | Stylegala

CSS layout | Stylegala

Deluxe CSS Dropdowns and Flyouts

Deluxe CSS Dropdowns and Flyouts


miércoles, febrero 16, 2005

viernes, febrero 04, 2005

the best of the best in Freeware

the best of the best in FreewarePricelessware - Contents

certificate : Java Glossary

URL muy buena con glosario de terminos y explicciones sobre ssl y seguridad en java
certificate : Java Glossary

martes, febrero 01, 2005

SimpleBits | CSS Tips

CSS Tips

JavaScript Reference

JavaScript Reference

Carta a Zapatero (Real. Publicada en un periódico)

Sr. Zapatero:
Cada vez mas me doy cuenta de que pertenezco a una minoria extra?sima en Espa?a. Lamento reconocer que nuestra familia no es pol?ticamente correcta, ya que en ella no hay ningun musulman, preso, homosexual, cineasta o actor de moda, pol?tico nacionalista, drogadicto, maltratador/a, maltratada/o, inmigrante ilegal, abortos provocados o eutanasias activas.
Nuestro problema es que vivimos en Madrid, los ni?os estudian, confieso que en un centro concertado, y los mayores trabajamos y pagamos los impuestos. Para empeorar la situacion somo catolicos creyentes y practicantes.
Me gustaria preguntarle al presidente del Gobierno si tiene algun plan para minorias como la nuestra, a la que lo que le preocupa es la seguridad ciudadana, el terrorismo, que funcione la justicia, la educacion, la sanidad y las infraestructuras y que en lo demas nos dejen en paz.
Como sugerencia, podrian empezar por tratarnos al menos como al burro iborico y crear una Fundacion para la Proteccion de la Familia Autoctona del Pais, y declararnos especia protegida en peligro de extincion.' "

Flickr -> Un sitio donde guardar las fotos

Un sitio donde guardar las fotos y poder publicarlas en tu blog

Tecnologias de Internet

En esta web se puede encontrar info de web semantica
Tecnolog?as de Internet

El blog de Deakialli

Cajón desastre sobre nuestro mundo...y el mundo de la Documentación

Baquia - Noticias e informacion de Internet

El titulo es bastante descriptivo verdad?
Baqu?a - Noticias e informaci?n de Internet

J2EE Programming Class Root Page

Cursos impartidos por Sang Shin
J2EE Programming Class Root Page

jueves, enero 27, 2005

Web con un par de tag libraries bastante buenas (OpenSource)

Web con un par de tag libraries bastante buenas (OpenSource)
Guy Davis - Software Programmer/Developer
También tiene un varios servlets para crear albumes web que se pueden echar un vistazo