viernes, agosto 29, 2008

noor » Weaving Groovy Threads

noor » Weaving Groovy Threads: "Weaving Groovy Threads"

curious-attempt-bunny: Grails Domain Diagram Including Subclasses

curious-attempt-bunny: Grails Domain Diagram Including Subclasses: "Grails Domain Diagram Including Subclasses"

Jorge on Programming: grails

Jorge on Programming: grails: "Saturday, July 19, 2008"

Grails And Git QuickCasts - G2One Inc. - One source for Groovy and Grails expertise

Grails And Git QuickCasts - G2One Inc. - One source for Groovy and Grails expertise: "Grails And Git QuickCast"

rain city digest: Groovy Excel Report Library

rain city digest: Groovy Excel Report Library: "Groovy Excel Report Library"

grassr library blog » grails

grassr library blog » grails: "grassr library blog"

delahuntyware: Return the collection from a many to many relationship in grails

delahuntyware: Return the collection from a many to many relationship in grails: "d add the Account object referenced by each one. The end result is i get a list of the Accounts a user has access to."

Going Live with a Grails-Powered Blog

Going Live with a Grails-Powered Blog: " "

Geek Speak: GWT-Ext and Grails just works!

Geek Speak: GWT-Ext and Grails just works!: "Tuesday, December 25, 2007"

jueves, agosto 28, 2008

Mootools - Using .bind(this)

From MooTools Users | Google Groups

var toto = new Class ({

Implements: Options,

options: {
message: "toto"

initialize: function(elem, options){
this.alternateMessage = "a message";
this.elem = elem;
this.elem.addEvent('click', function(){
this.alternateMessage = "other message";

aMethod: function(){



in this class, you can see two effects of this binding in this

this.elem.addEvent('click', function(){
this.alternateMessage = "other message";

- this.alternateMessage is now changed for the whole class, not only
inside the fucntion as this refers to the class
- without binding the click function with .bind(this) the result would
be "this.alternateMessage has no properties", "this.aMethod() is not a function"
binding the function to the class (this) allows it to use any method
or this.var set inside it

How to autorun programs from USB Drive?

How to autorun programs from USB Drive?
Enable Autorun

Tool Tips com Mootools 1.2 « Codeline

Tool Tips com Mootools 1.2 « Codeline

How to Create a Super Shiny Pencil Icon - PSDTUTS

How to Create a Super Shiny Pencil Icon - PSDTUTS: "How to Create a Super Shiny Pencil Icon"

40 Dark and Futuristic Photoshop Effects - PSDTUTS

40 Dark and Futuristic Photoshop Effects - PSDTUTS

10 paquetes de iconos para escritorio Ubuntu/Gnome » RibosoMatic

10 paquetes de iconos para escritorio Ubuntu/Gnome » RibosoMatic: "10 paquetes de iconos para escritorio Ubuntu/Gnome"

domingo, agosto 24, 2008

Illustrating a Cool Glass of Beer - PSDTUTS

Illustrating a Cool Glass of Beer - PSDTUTS: "Illustrating a Cool Glass of Beer"

200+ Photoshop Brushes for Light, Sparkles, Glows and Glitter | Vandelay Website Design

200+ Photoshop Brushes for Light, Sparkles, Glows and Glitter | Vandelay Website Design: "200+ Photoshop Brushes for Light, Sparkles, Glows and Glitter"

30+ Nicest Photoshop Photo Effects, Part II

30+ Nicest Photoshop Photo Effects, Part II: "
30+ Nicest Photoshop Photo Effects, Part II "

ubuntu snippets

ubuntu snippets - share Adobe AIR Applications - share Adobe AIR Applications

Webmaster Libre | Mis 10 aplicaciones de desarrollo web hechas en AIR favoritas

Webmaster Libre | Mis 10 aplicaciones de desarrollo web hechas en AIR favoritas: "Mis 10 aplicaciones de desarrollo web hechas en AIR favoritas"

Doomi. A to do list application.

Doomi. A to do list application.

colorbrowser - Google Code

colorbrowser - Google Code: "colorbrowser"

colorbrowser - Google Code

colorbrowser - Google Code: "colorbrowser"

Woork: 10 Handwritten fonts you can't miss

Woork: 10 Handwritten fonts you can't miss

PatternCooler | Seamless Background Designs for Blogs, Mobile Phone Wallpapers, MySpace, Webdesign Projects

PatternCooler | Seamless Background Designs for Blogs, Mobile Phone Wallpapers, MySpace, Webdesign Projects

iPhone GUI PSD

iPhone GUI PSD

DivIt // Un grid-system que divide el trabajo

DivIt // Un grid-system que divide el trabajo: "DivIt"

pChart | a PHP Charting library

pChart | a PHP Charting library

jueves, agosto 07, 2008

lunes, agosto 04, 2008